Dermal Fillers Altrincham Clinic -Manchester & Cheshire



From £250

Dermal fillers Altrincham provide a holistic approach to facial rejuvenation by addressing multiple areas of concern. These non-surgical Anti-ageing treatments offer a range of benefits that can help you restore volume, smooth out wrinkles, and achieve overall facial harmony in Cheshire. Dermal Filler Contouring and masculinisation Fillers can be used to enhance a male face to appear more masculine. Alternatively, dermal fillers in Altrincham can be used to feminise the face.

Dr Ed Robinson Dermal Fillers Clinic Altrincham Hale Cheshire. Dermal Fillers Near Me.

Treatment Time
30 Minutes

Dr Ed Robinson Treatment Info

Topical Cream

Dr Ed Robinson Treatment Info

Best Results
2 Weeks

Dr Ed Robinson Treatment Info

Recovery Time

Dr Ed Robinson Treatment Info

Lasts For
9-18 months

Dr Ed Robinson Treatment Info



REPLENISH VOLUME: Over time, our faces lose volume, resulting in sagging skin and a tired appearance. Dermal fillers can effectively replenish lost volume in areas such as the cheeks, temples, and under-eye hollows. By restoring volume, dermal fillers help lift and rejuvenate your face, giving you a more refreshed look.

SMOOTHING OUT FINE LINES AND WRINKLES: Dermal fillers are also highly effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, or vertical lip lines.

PROFILE HARMONISATION: Facial balance and harmony play a crucial role in beauty. Dermal fillers can address asymmetries and imbalances in your facial profile, enhancing your features and creating a more harmonious appearance.

MASCULINISATION: Dermal fillers aren't just for women; they can also be used to masculinise certain facial features. With strategic injections, I can help enhance your facial structure, adding definition to areas such as the jawline and chin giving you a more masculine appearance.

Dr Ed Robinson Dermal Filler Contouring packages in Altrincham Hale Manchester Cheshire


CHEEKS AND TEMPLES: By restoring volume to the cheeks and temples, we can lift and rejuvenate your face, improving the appearance of hollowed or sunken areas.

UNDER-EYE HOLLOWS AND TEAR TROUGHS: Dermal fillers can reduce the appearance of dark circles and hollows under the eyes, restoring a youthful and well-rested look.

NASOLABIAL FOLDS AND MARIONETTE LINES: These common signs of aging can be effectively minimized with targeted injections of dermal fillers, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.

LIPS AND PERI-ORAL AREA: If you desire fuller, more defined lips or want to reduce the appearance of fine lines around the mouth, dermal fillers can help you achieve natural-looking results.

JAWLINE AND CHIN: Enhancing the jawline and chin can add structure and balance to the face, creating enhanced definition. Masculinisation and Dermal Filler Contouring packages can be used to enhance a masculinse appearance.

NOSE: Balanced the facial profile and provide harmony to the face with a non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Dr Ed Robinson Masculinisation Fillers in Altrincham Hale Manchester Cheshire

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From £250


  • Treatment length depends on the individual but can vary from between 30 minutes to an hour.

    An individual area will be shorter to treat, while full facial rejuvenation will take longer.

    I can give you an idea of how long a treatment will take during your consultation.

    Sometimes it may be appropriate to build-up an area over several appointments with time in between to let things settle.

  • Dermal fillers are hyaluronic-based gels injected under the skin to replicate or replace volume. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and is therefore usually very well tolerated!

    This may be to rejuvenate the face and treat signs of ageing or as part of beautification, profile harmonisation or masculinisation e.g. to create a stronger, more defined jaw.

    They are most commonly used in the face but may also be suitable for other areas such as the hands and even the buttocks.

  • Please come to the Cheshire clinic without make-up as this will have to be removed.

    Ensure you are well-hydrated.

    Avoid the use of skincare active ingredients on the day and stop any retinol-containing products 24 hours before-hand.

    Ensure you have not had any aesthetic treatments such as micro needling less than 2 weeks before-hand.

    Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to treatment as this will increase your risk of bruising.

  • Dermal filler treatment in Altrincham varies slightly depending on the site and aim of treatment.

    Certain areas may be more uncomfortable than others and therefore numbing cream may be used to anaesthetise the skin before-hand.

    The area will be cleaned with anti-septic solution first.

    Either a needle or cannula technique will be used to inject dermal filler under the skin.

    A cannula is a blunt tube which is threaded under the skin to deposit filler without the need for repeated injections. A small needle entry point will need to be made which is usually only slightly uncomfortable.

    Aftercare will be applied to reduce inflammation after treatment.

  • Dermal filler treatments usually last between 12-18 months, although studies have shown they can last much longer. The body naturally breaks the hyaluronic acid down into carbon dioxide and water.

    The length of time varies depending on the area treated e.g jaw and chin filler will last longer while lip filler tends to last for 6-9 months.

    Lifestyle factors such as physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, recreational drug use and sun exposure will result in a shorter duration of action.

  • The results from dermal fillers are noticeable immediately.

    Mild swelling may occur initially which usually calms down after 48 hours and settles completely by 2 weeks. At this point you will have a good idea of the final results.

  • Due to the filler insertion-process there is usually some extra inflammation which may worsen for the first 24-48 hours.

    Over-the-counter antihistamines and anti-inflammatories can help calm down inflammation.

    Avoid the use of active skin ingredients on the day of treatment.

    Avoid alcohol-consumption for 24-48 hours as this increases your chance of bruising.

    Avoid strenuous activity, saunas/steam rooms which may promote sweating as this increases your risk of bruising.

    Do not apply excessive pressure to the filler for the first 24-48 hours.

  • Dermal filler prices in Altrincham start at £250 but vary considerably depending on the areas treated. You will be advised on a price based on your bespoke consultation.

    Please see the pricing section for all prices.

  • Dermal filler treatments in Altrincham may be somewhat uncomfortable but usually not painful.

    As an anaesthetic doctor I am well placed to reduce anxiety and pain during procedures using a number of techniques.

    Dermal fillers contain lidocaine (local anaesthetic) to anaesthetise the areas injected.

    Numbing cream will be applied before the procedure, particularly to more sensitive areas such as lips.

    I am trained in advanced techniques including the use of cannulas to minimise pain where possible and result in considerably fewer injections.

  • Absolutely! Dermal fillers in men are increasing in popularity in Cheshire, particularly masculinisation and Facial Contouring including chin, jaw and cheek augmentation.

    Book a consultation to see what other treatments may be suitable.

  • In the hands of an experienced, medically trained injector dermal fillers are safe, well-studied, reversible treatments and side effects are rare.

    Dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid-based which occurs naturally in the body.

    Dermal fillers are not suitable for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Most dermal fillers contain lidocaine and therefore allergy to lidocaine is important to note as specific brands must be used.

    The NHS website is a fantastic resource regarding the safety of cosmetic procedures including dermal fillers

  • Most common side effects are mild and short-lived. As a trained medical professional, I am well positioned to minimise these risks.

    I am trained to recognise and treat dermal filler complications in the rare event that they occur. In the case of vascular occlusion or filler migration, hyalase may be used to dissolve (remove the filler)

    Side-effects include:

    Bruising or swelling at the site of injection


    A lumpy appearance under the skin, which might require further treatment

    Filler migration


    A blocked blood vessels in the face (Vascular occlusion), which can lead to skin breakdown.

  • I perform filler dissolving with hyalase as an emergency to treat vascular occlusion.

    I also perform elective filler dissolving, starting at £200. I would encourage in almost every circumstance to see your original practitioner if you are unhappy with your results.

  • At Dr Ed Robinson Aesthetics, I pride myself on using high quality dermal filler brands sourced from reputable pharmacies with evidenced-based results.

    I primarily use Teoxane, Juvederm and Belotero in my clinic in Altrincham, Hale, Manchester, Cheshire.